Architect Raichle Ferenc chose one of the most beautiful sites in Subotica for his future home and office. Working for himself only, and following his heart’s desire, he dismissed all established rules and patterns in designing and created a building that is the envy of many. Raichle Family Palace is the first thing visitors see as they first arrive in Subotica by train, and it immediately dazzles them with its forms, decoration and splashes them with its unusual colors. The monumental entrance to the palace is withdrawn into a part of the façade and represents a stylized, upside down heart. The main wrought iron gate is also heart-shaped. Decoration of balcony railings on the first floor, even more lavish than the one on the ground floor – contains a stylized heart motif. The ubiquitous heart motif, whether made of ceramics, murano mosaic, wrought iron, carved wood or moldings – is always presented in a new and original way.
Raichle’s architectural office was on the ground floor, and on the first floor there was a large dining room with a winter garden – which also served as a ballroom, a smoking lounge for men – decorated as a Turkish room, a salon for women, one bedroom, one bathroom, a dressing room and a children’s room – avant-garde at the time. Raichle did not enjoy his home for long because he went bankrupt only four years after moving in, and his palace, complete with furniture, luxurious items and works of art, was sold at an auction. Today, it is a home of a Gallery of Modern Art Subotica while the courtyard is a part of a famous cafe. Left of the main entrance is Raichle’s Tenement Palace, with its size, decoration and colors relating to the Family palace, albeit on a far more modest scale.